Testimonies of ex satanists and witches pdf

Feb 22, 2011 from childhood i knew satanism devil worshipers and witchcraft existed because we were hearing their testimonies at the revivals where mightily used men and women of god would hold crusades and catch witches, devil worshippers and satanists. Testimonies of ex witches, exsatanists, ex occult members updated updated on february 24, 2020. The power of testimonies and 8 witches who turned to god. Testimony of ex satanist in africa from childhood i knew satanism devil worshipers and witchcraft existed because we were hearing their testimonies at the revivals where mightily used men and women of god would hold crusades and catch witches, devil worshippers and satanists. A living sacrafice to satan christian testimony forgiven, saved freedom. Posted on january 6, 2014 by laura maxwell, ba hons. Ex satanist devil worshiper now christian talks about his life as a high priest in the church of satan, also exposes secret signs and symbols used in todays media, with a focus on the japanesse cartoon pokemon there are many t. Ex satanist john ramirez full testimony will take you into johns life from a little child into his adulthood as he shares his involvement in the occult.

Former satanist warns christians about celebrating halloween. Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives. Exsatanist warns christians about popularity of occultism in. From witchcraft to christ by doreen irvine darryls library. Jul 08, 2017 testimony of pastor jonas, exsatanist n1 dear friends, we are happy to share with you this extract of the testimony of a former servant of the devil. Parents should endeavor to train up their children in the fear of god. Former satanist warns christians about celebrating halloween cbn news cbn news. I just quite by accident found your website, and read the testimony of a former witch. I drew the pentagram on everything, from my school books to my body. Here is the testimony of an ex witch, never shared in public before. Idol and demon worship is the worship of a man made god.

By that, i mean that we went to church but didnt live any differently than my friends who did not go to church. They are real information which came from the experiences of real victims. There are humans who are driven by hatred and jealousy. Former satanist who can testify to jesus christs love. Halloween article by ex spiritualist laura maxwell uks good news newspaper. The information here should not be branded as folklore or urban legend or fairy tale. God has a purpose and plan for all those who will come to him through his son jesus the christ. It is the testimony of a pastor who spent nearly twenty five years serving satan. Exsatanist gideon mulenga explains how he was initiated into satanism by on. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

Jun 29, 2009 i am posting a reading from an ex satanic agent which explains alot about what happens in the spiritual realm. The secret and origin of witchcraft by evangelist emmanuel omoobajesu,the origin of witchcraft,witchcraft operations,the true christian,the power of prayer,the witches and accidents,the witches and smoking,the witches and drinking,evangelist emmanuel omoobajesu,the confession of evangelist emmanuel omoobajesu,evangelist emmanuel. The army of jesus is more powerful than that of satan. By observing humans, lucifer found three categories of men. Dear friends, we are happy to share with you this extract of the testimony of a former servant of the devil. Out of occult, for atheists, agnostics and skeptics. One minor but fascinating aspect of modern fundamentalist christian culture are the testimonies offered by former satanists, witches who switched, and bornagain new agers. Testimony of jeff harshbarger, an exsatanist jeff harshbarger, director of refuge ministries. Testimony share former satanist who can testify to jesus. From the time i was very young, i felt that i was different from the other kids that i knew. You can see just looking at the tattoos on this mans body that he was deeply into evil. When we went down there, there were women witches, men sorcerers, young sorcerers, and everyone came there with the problems of his family. For example, one could see a witch coming, open ing her loincloth and taking away a paper that she throws in one of the rivers there.

The debate in christian circles about what truly is blasphamy against the holy spirit will go on until christ returns. I became involved in witchcraft when i was 10 years old. In the first half of the twentieth century, two writers challenged the view that witchcraft had never been a real cult. Book for halloween by laura maxwell, jeff harshbarger, killer son of sam and others. The study also relied on secondary data to some extents. An ex wiccan speaks click to listen by streaming mp3. I practiced witchcraft, and followed very devoutly the pagan religion of goddess worship for 15 years.

I want to post scriptures that validate more of it but for now, i will just post the testimony of how he was saved by gods grace through his faith and washed with the blood of jesus christ. Witches claim that witchcraft has nothing to do with the devil but it is a form of goddess or demon worship. Testimonies of ex satanists in africa us message board. Testimony of former atheist and satanist who came to faith in jesus. He received his orders directly from satan himself. How i got involved in paganism is all too common, im afraid. By grace iwhere preface this book of testimony is intended to expose the activities of satanic forces as experienced and told by me.

It also has alot of him talking about his life and addictions in his past and present life. I was born and raised catholic, knew about jesus and god but that was only the surface of this religion, praying to mary and all the saints but never jesus because i only knew him as jesus the son of god and nothing more then that. Mel gibson exposes hollywood as the hub of satanic child sacrifice. Pdf the religious knowledge of zambian exsatanists. Investigating the courses and effects of the satanic scare in kabwe. Testimony of pastor jonas, exsatanist pdf christ end. Heather everett studied older religions and also druidism, shamanism, wicca and divination. This pastor was adopted by lucifer like his child since his. Posted in end times, exsatanists testimonies, how to leave satanism, illuminati, mysticism, new age, secret plan of the illuminati for the building of a new world order and the manifestation of the antichrist, spiritual warfare, testimony of an ex satanist tagged how to be free from satanism, how to escape satanism, how to leave satanism. Ours is the only christian website in the country ministering to satanists, witches and other occult people. Roger morneau was an ex member of some secret societies groups in the 1940s, he was brought into a satanic ritual cult and began worshiping the devil, he was taken to many rituals and meetings where demons were actually manifest, his entire account is told with amazing detail and accuracy, and is verified by other unrelated satanist accounts.

Testimony of annie fintan, a former occult member and ex. John todd, a former highlevel satanist, once stated in a recorded presentation that christians were effectively barred from hollywood. If you enter the army of jesus, you will have the authority, the power to trample on the army of satan. One can build a very strong case that it doesnt mean turning your back on jesus christ at all, because you were never truly connected to him most likely in the first place you maybe just thought you were, but rather attributing the supernatural work of. And i began serving the devil from when i was two months old. Testimonies of exsatanist in africa testimonies of. The testimony of a former witch i am writing this urgent message because i was once a witch.

Exsatanists, exwitches and warlocks christian testimonies. Witchcraft debate started by the reactionary writings against reginald scot and went on with the debates in the form of chain reaction. Here in the states, in texas, for example, a battle is raging on the issue of abortion in the legislative branch of government. Introduction in contemporary zambian churches, testimonies of exsatanists claim to convey an insideview of the spiritual world. Newspaper accounts relate both incidents to have been flavored with satanic rituals or symbolisms.

Heather everettex witch testimonynever shared before. Testimonies of exsatanist in africa testimonies of heaven. This testimony is the 5 th part in a series of thirteen. Jul 12, 20 i was supposed to be the next satanic priestess but then jesus the powers of satan are increasing each and every day. I was the representative of the third degree in the mystery of the air. Consequently, you see little children becoming kings in the coven of witches and wizards. He has been actively involved in christian outreach to various occultists through the old ex witch forums and now at the ancient crossroads website. This testimony is the 6 th part in a series of thirteen volumes. Each of the leading members of the cast of star wars, for example, had to produce evidence that they were members of a coven. Sure, mike warnke wasnt literally a satanist, but didnt his epic tale of conversion to christianity give you a ton of warm fuzzies. Testimony of jeff harshbarger, an exsatanist, now in christ. A tale of devil worshipping former rapper now in christ.

I am posting a reading from an ex satanic agent which explains alot about what happens in the spiritual realm. A testimony from a former satanic agent and how the enemy. He offers a balanced view of contentious issues such as demonic possession, satanic ritual abuse, and the testimonies of confessing ex. Speaking about two months, you are certainly dealing with a baby, therefore, i did not choose to be what i was. Deliverance from satanism testimony of jeff harshbarger, an exsatanist jeff harshbarger, director of refuge ministries. With experience and time, your understanding of satanic witchcraft will become a personal journey, aiding you in your spirituality.

Exsatanic secret society member incredible testimony. Ex satan worshipper john ramirez testimony may 16, 2016 this testimony deals with the reality of witchcraft and satanism as told from the perspective of a man with personal experience. Exsatanist testimonies of heaven and helllife after. Know that jesus is recruiting soldiers for his army. Mel gibson exposes hollywood as the hub of satanic child. Exsatanists and witches who switched swallowing the camel. All misery on earth is a business model former witch. Ex satanists and witches who switched harmless nuttery, or dangerous smear campaign. I was supposed to be the next satanic priestess but then. This is the standard testimony of an ex witch turnedbornagainchristian. These essays are a collection of my knowledge and advice for satanists looking to use satanic witchcraft to their benefit. Posted in end times, ex satanists testimonies, how to leave satanism, illuminati, mysticism, new age, spiritual warfare, testimony of an ex satanist, uncategorized tagged ex satanist testimony, former devil worshiper testimony, how to be free from satanism, how to escape satanism, how to leave satanism, jesus defeats satan, jesus delivers. He does not care how it is done, be it via abortion, or direct murder. May 19, 2011 from witchcraft to christ by doreen irvine when i was fifteen, in high school, we had one period of religious education per week.

There is also a demonic woman that comes in the dream world to give spirit of witches and wizards to little children through gifts and food. After these bigname ex witches make up these stories, they go around to churches and law enforcement seminars and tell them in public. The value of ex satanists testimonies lies not in their truthfulness, but in the way they make you feel. I was very honoured and delighted when heather sent her testimony to me for this blog. On may 16, 1985, the abc television newsmagazine2020gave national attention to claims that thousands of satanic cults across the united states were. So they would testify to the congregation how they got delivered. Ex satanist john ramirez full testimony royal girlz ministry. Each of the leading members of the cast of star wars, for example, had. Aug 03, 2012 watch this interview conducted by janaage torp in 2007 with ex satanist gideon mulenga of zambia. Testimonies of ex satanist in africafrom childhood i knew satanism devil worshipers and witchcraft existed because we were hearing their testimonies at the revivals where mightily used men and women of god would hold crusades and catch witches.

Ex satan worshipper john ramirez testimony youtube. Please africa thisday publish this so that my nigerian friends can stop been obsessed of beautiful south african women and also so that my south african brothers can keep their as in one place. To fully benefit from it, you need to read the twelve other parts, in numerical order. This radio interview was broadcast in october 2011. Confession of former satanic agent of darkness,pastor jonas an ex satanist confessing and testimony,the holy catholic magic,pastor jonas confession,pastor jonas from congo an ex satanist agents of drakness,pastor jonas from congo,bermuda triangle the white house of lucifer,confession of pastor jonas,the ex satanist agent of darkness. I have worked with satanic magic and satanic witchcraft since 1992.

By means of spells and magic, i was able to invoke the powers of the controlling. Testimony of an ex satanist n1 i served the devil for 25 years. I was supposed to be the next satanic priestess but then jesus the powers of satan are increasing each and every day. Dec 19, 2015 posted in end times, ex satanists testimonies, how to leave satanism, illuminati, mysticism, new age, secret plan of the illuminati for the building of a new world order and the manifestation of the antichrist, spiritual warfare, testimony of an ex satanist tagged how to be free from satanism, how to escape satanism, how to leave satanism. Satan, the god of this world, god of witchcraft and satanism, demands a human sacrifice. Exsatanist gideon mulenga explains how he was initiated. This testimony is the 9 th part in a series of thirteen.

Satan to me was a mythological creation of christians, like santa claus. People who are willing to kill their fellows without gaining anything. Exposing satanism and witchcraft exposing satanism and. There are numbers that represent each grade, the number three represents the devil worshipers, the number six represents satanists, a satanist is someone who is dead being a devil worshiper who now lives in the spiritual realm alone, the number nine represents satan, the king of demons, lucifer was cast out of heaven because of pride. It can involve practices and rituals such as burning their sons or daughters in fire at the altar as burnt offerings for demons. Truthseekah does it again, except this time he has released this book about being a ex witch.

Everywhere in town bill boards depicting colourful monsters and the devil advertise popular. I lived by the stars as an astrologer and numerologist casting horoscopes and spells. The men called warlocks went with mark to shoot off his guns in the wooded area behind his house while many of the witches sat around a kitchen table practicing and discussing the nuances of tarot cards, led and taught by a copriest named jane. A former satanist warns halloween isnt just about costumes and candy theres a much darker reality. Here is information from the kingdom of darkness, even about satanist infiltration into christian. Testimonies of exwitches, exsatanists, exoccult members. I lived in the mysterious and shadowy realm of the occult. For about half of the school year, this lesson consisted solely of our class reading through from witchcraft to christ, chapter by chapter. It also contains how i was delivered from this horrible demonic entanglement and operation i was engaged for seventeen and half years starting from when i was the very tender age of two and half. Nov 30, 2000 ex satanist warns christians about popularity of occultism in the u. Former devil worshipper testimony grace iwhere youths in. Could halloween truely be sinister and potentially dangerous spiritually. Testimonies of exsatanist in africafrom childhood i knew satanism devil worshipers and witchcraft existed because we were hearing their testimonies at the revivals where mightily used men and women of god would hold crusades and catch witches. Testimony of a former devil worshiper nonkoliso ngeleka.

Do you know any satanists who say, hey, were going to come into good friday and were going to hang out with the. I am an ex witch and new ager, who came out of satanic ritual abuse in the mormon church. I encourage you to make copies and distribute them for the glory of god. From childhood i knew satanism devil worshipers and witchcraft existed because we were hearing their testimonies at the revivals where mightily used men and women of god would hold crusades and catch witches, devil worshippers and satanists. To me, an ex occultic satanist, finding the one true creator was a gift beyond compare as i spent 40 years of my life appeasing a multitude of gods and deities always being driven to despair because i could never keep all of them happy with myself and my evil deeds. He went to church as a young, young child and got baptized when he was 12. The secret and origin of witchcraft by evangelist emmanuel. Witchcraft deliverance manual by gene moody deliverance ministries gene b. Jan 06, 2014 heather everett ex witch testimonynever shared before. On the show set the captives free, hosted by lynn an ex medium. Truly free from fear and truly free from this world where hasatan is god and his. Confession of former satanic agent of darkness by pastor. Exsatanists and witches who switched swallowing the.

During the reading, i found myself nodding emphatically and almost broke down in tears. Beloved, when a father feels that his death is approaching, he starts to make his will, he starts to divide up his properties among his children. Hello everyone, my name is christopher jethro and im excited to share with you all below my full christian testimony of how god saved me from my early dabbling in satanism and occult practices, from my high school years as a confused halfchristian with heretical beliefs, from my struggles with bisexuality, and also deliverance from tormenting spirits. Delivered from the powers of darkness confessions of satanic. Testimony of jeff harshbarger, an exsatanist, now in. Interviews with ex satanists and other ex occultist whistleblowers. If you lie publicly, in front of large groups of people, youre eventually going to get caught. Ex spiritualist laura maxwell of scotland and ex traditional satanist steve burns of canada discuss the evils of it, giving examples from their former lifestyles. Dec 29, 2012 the first meeting was held at the priests house by the name of mark. Oct 28, 2017 former satanist warns christians about celebrating halloween.

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